Catherine Giordano
Attorney Catherine (Cathy) Giordano, Esq Of Counsel received a Bachelor of Science, cum laude, from Suffolk University in 1978 earning membership in the National Honor Society in Psychology, Psi Chi. Following careers in computer programming and freelance magazine writing, she then earned her Juris Doctorate from the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover in 1998 and gained admission to the Massachusetts Bar in 1998 and the United States District Court in Massachusetts in 1999. Between 1998 and 1999 Cathy assisted Superior Court Justices in all phases of civil and criminal litigation as a Superior Court Law Clerk to the Justices. Cathy has extensive experience in legal research and writing and has performed a full array of civil litigation services in the District Courts, Probate Courts, Land Court, Federal District Court and Superior Courts. She has previously served as state president of the National League of American Pen Women; a pro bono participant in the Elder Law Project of the Women’s Bar Foundation, and as Secretary of the Middlesex County Committee of the Women’s Bar Association. Cathy is a current member of the Massachusetts Bar Association.
At present, Cathy serves attorneys from different law practices across the state providing legal research and writing services electronically. She has established several long-term relationships with fellow attorneys primarily in the area of criminal defense. Armed with little more than a police report, Cathy drafts motions to suppress, motions to dismiss and trial packages along with supporting affidavits and memoranda on deadline.